


A 12-week 1:1 coaching program for women ready for tactical tools to optimize their mental health, build wellness habits that put them back in control, and become the best version of themselves.

Hey hey, go-getter. 

✔ Do you find yourself working 10x harder than everyone to achieve success, only to still feel unfulfilled & not celebrate when milestones come around. 

✔ Can’t seem to set boundaries with your loved ones, prioritize your own needs, and make time for what you value most? 

✔ No matter how many yoga classes, meditation, journal prompts, or getaways you take - do you still feel uneasy in your life? 

✔ Have you read all the self-help books, and downloaded some self-care apps, yet you still can’t seem to move past the anxious & negative feelings that keep you stuck

✔ Do you let your inner critic, aka your mind bully, keep you playing small despite the big dreams & vision you have for your life?


if you’re nodding your head right now…


It’s time to introduce MORE into your life.

More time with the people you love.
More opportunities to level up your personal & professional life
More bandwidth & energy to go after your dreams
More joy

I know it seems impossible to think of adding MORE to your life when your chaotic schedule is already overwhelming

Not to mention, pesky limiting beliefs and mindset blocks keep you from moving forward

Along with the perfectionist in you that prevents you from going after those BIG goals you have for yourself & your life. 

 Now, you might be thinking…

“Oh, this is just how I operate” or
“This is just my personality”. 

That’s what I used to think, too.

But, what I’ve learned after a decade of being a mental health practitioner and my own work in the therapy (reminder: all good therapists have therapists)...

We all have a choice.

This page that you’re reading RIGHT here is a great example of this.

Putting myself out there as a mental health practitioner on social media or a website (like this one) was terrifying for many years.

I don’t like to be in the spotlight.
I’m more of a spotlight operator.

I like doing work one on one or in small groups, developing intimate relationships, and truly connecting on an individual level.

I also believe the work I do is more than one-liners & marketing taglines.

But, I also know that to make the kind of impact I want to in this world…

I had to step onto the stage.

And I had to do the mindset work to make it possible.

Are you thinking, “who’s the lady and why should I care”...

Hi, I’m Jettana!  

& You’ll be working one on one with me in this program.

I created J. Okoye Wellness to make a safe space for individuals from all walks of life to feel safe, seen, challenged, and learn the tools to grow.   

With over a decade of experience as a licensed therapist and life coach, I’ve created a process that can be customized to your needs.

I couple psychotherapy methods with evidence-based treatments including…

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy(DBT)
Solution Focused Therapy (SFBT)
Mindfulness-Based (MBCT)

& many others with integrative health coaching to ensure that each client receives personalized action plans that reflect your holistic life and goals.   

This is a whole lotta letters & methods so you know you’re in good hands

(I play zero games when it comes to your mental health)

 I used every single resource and every bit of knowledge I’ve collected over years of working with women to build my newest contribution to the online & mental health world…


 A 12-week 1:1 coaching program for women ready for tactical tools to optimize their mental health, build wellness habits that put them back in control, and become the best version of themselves.

A Breakdown Of What’s Inside...


Pre-Program Prep

I’m on team #wastezerotime. That’s why the first thing we’ll do is dive into where you are now, what’s holding you back, and get clear on what methods & mindset tools we’re going to work on together. 

I designed your first steps to save hundreds of hours trying different self-care & self-help hacks that aren’t a fit for your needs. 


Deep Dive
Strategy Call

We’ll explore your current situation, get to know each other, and discuss specific goals so I can develop a custom plan to achieve your unique wellness goals.

**Disclaimer - your palms might get sweaty with that excited (and nervous) feeling as you start to see the possibilities.


12 Weekly 1:1 Coaching Calls

Through weekly check-ins and support-based coaching sessions, we will work through the uncomfortable feeling that change brings about.

I will be there to help you implement our plan, provide resources to continue building better habits, and push you (lovingly, of course) towards progress.


Weekly Action Plans

Every week I will be putting together actionable items for you to implement. Talking through your challenges and goals is wonderful, but real results are curated through consistent action.

This is the REAL difference between this program and traditional talk therapy. Strategic action taking & implementing evidenced-based tools.


Mental Wellness Toolbox

Your personalized tools will be delivered in the form of custom resources. These are yours to keep for life.

You will be able to pull from these well after our 12 weeks together.

Being well-equipped to face any challenges in the future? Priceless. 



I am here to keep you moving. To provide motivation when the excitement of change wears off and all that’s left is exhaustion.

With my accountability system, I will keep the momentum rolling and continue implementing the action items necessary for change.

Because I know investing in your mental health isn’t easy I included 2 bonuses just for you…

1 FREE Post-Program check-in call to ensure you’ve implemented everything & discuss any challenges that come up for you.

60 days support post-program to continue checking in on your progress & I will work to provide additional resources as needed.

To get started click below…

”Jett Helped me understand that I can be a good daughter, sister, friend, partner, and employee while also prioritizing my self care” -Crosby

“Jett has allowed me to feel safe and comfortable and [know] the value of boundaries and self-care” - Sharice

Imagine if in 12 weeks you could…

Before you go…

I want to address the TWO reasons why maybe some of the self-help, traditional talk therapy, or personal development you’ve tried hasn’t helped. 

No clear strategy or intention behind the mental health tools you’re leveraging. 

Do any of these sound familiar…

Downloaded a meditation app only for it to collect digital dust.
Read the newest self-help book and forgot everything you learned the next time a challenge came up in your life. 
Went to a workshop and left feeling motivated, warm & fuzzy only for life to knock you down moments after? 

If you don’t know why you’re doing what you’re doing (or if it’s not even a tool that makes sense for you) - it’s taking up unnecessary bandwidth. 

Creating more confusion and leaving you thinking that mental health tools “don’t work”.

No more of this nonsense! Instead, ditch the overwhelm and move closer to optimal mental health & wellness. 


No implementation or practice with mental health tools.

Knowing and learning mental health tools & mindset exercises are great! 

But it’s like learning how to work out and never going to the gym. Knowing how to do things is great, but if you never practice them, what good is it to you & your overall well-being? 

That’s why I created The Self Preservation Playbook. I wanted to bring together intentional learning of mental health methods and implementation exercises into one, nothing-left-out program… just for you. 

So you can do more, better. 
Have the energy to keep up with the life you’re creating. 
Connect to the meaningful work that drives you.

And align your life to the values you hold closest to you.

The Self-Preservation Playbook is perfect for you if…

  • You’re ready to be well-equipped with all the mindset tools you need to step into your calling & find your greatness. 

  • You want to stop wasting time on mental health methods that aren’t helping.

  • Fear of rejection and lack of confidence is keeping you playing small.

  • You want more joy & ease incorporated into your life while still boldly pursuing your BIG dreams.

”In working with Jett I realized how little grace I gave myself.” - Adeola

“It wasn’t just about fixing things it is about getting to the best version of yourself. - Dee

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